A spiritually uplifting and ingenious concept of chatting to Jesus in a totally engaging and modern manner, helping us to learn about ourselves and our life today.
Real gems of light which I have no doubt have been channelled from Christ because of the un-elaborate, people friendly concepts;
Approval – “if you think up an idea it exists, if you live it, its yours” page 74
Each chapter represents a person and theme that can be taken in isolation, giving the reader an insight into the areas that affect us today (which of us have never had to deal with Obstacles, Curiosity or Betrayal?) and how Christ would have advised us using people he knew or knew of as examples.
Set out in interview style with questions set for Jesus, the end of chapter exercises challenges what you think, so it really is a life long exercise book that can be referred to over and over again and built upon as we grow wiser with age and experience.
Blending the ancient pre-Christian themes with modern humanism is an imaginative and innovative, self help workbook, its a real mind bending find but accessible to all who want to think and grow irrespective of religious persuasion.
Author; Betsy Otter Thompson .
242 pages
Review by N J Soliar
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