Yoga has 8,440,000 different asanas (exercises) with hundreds of different Yogic styles and hundreds of pranayamas(breathing techniques) yoga is a mind body connection, not just a quiet meditation or moving from one move to another as is taught generically in studios & gyms.

 Natasha teaches Hatha, Dynamic Iyengar {her own rapid precision yoga}Vinyasa & Ashtanga {later only for the very well practiced} for greater strength, balance fluidity & co-ordination using various pranayama, drishi, mudhras and all bhundas. Natasha teaching is anatomical meaning that her class is very physically demanding and tailored to the postural alignment of a Western body rather than a particular yogic style though she is more Iyengic in her precision and discipline.Precision is necessary for every posture (asana) however well practiced you are she is a stickler for precision and focus.

Ashtanga will only be taught to those very well practiced due to the rapid flow from each asana which is unsuitable for beginners or novices. You will be assessed before taking on Ashtanga

You will not be doing any guided meditation with Natasha as the focus is on the asana element of the 8 limbs of yoga, you will be doing pranayama (breathing),  drishi (focal points), mudhras (hand gestures) and bhundas (internal locks) with nominal shivasana (relaxation).

  Natasha is your Yoga Professional please click the image below to be shown more specific details



Natasha is a highly experienced instructor working with all types of ability, disability, mental frailty, age and pre and post natal needs though with all clients she emphasises precision and accuracy above all else: there is no other alternative in her classes. Natasha teaching is anatomical meaning it is very physically demanding and tailored to the physiology of a Western body rather than a particular generic teaching style, hence why she is so strict on precision.

Natasha teaches Hatha, Dynamic Iyengar (her own rapid precision yoga) Vinyasa & Ashtanga (for the well practiced only) for greater strength, balance fluidity & co-ordination.

Natasha teaching is anatomical meaning that her class is very physically and mentally demanding and tailored to the postural alignment of a Western body rather than any particular yogic style though she is more Iyengic in her precision and discipline using Shivananda, Kundalini and Ashtanga. Precision is necessary for every posture (asana) however well practiced you are she is a stickler for precision and focus, not doing any meditation and nominal shivasana (relaxation) . Ashtanga and Advanced will only be taught to those very well practiced due to the rapid flow from each asana which is unsuitable for beginners or those who are pregnant.

Intermediate Yoga student class would need to;

  1. recognised the sanskrit names of the most popular asana’s
  2. recognise and use drishti, pranayama, bandha & mudhra
  3. be able to do both Suryana Namaska’s A & B without instruction
  4. be well versed in inversions – they can occur at any point doing the session

The duration of time that you’ve practiced yoga is not relevant, the precision of how you work is. If you have a athletics, dance, trapeze or gymnastics background that would be suitable as she tends to teach professionals or those with very sound body awareness.

She only admits a maximum of 6-8 students choosing only those who are like minded and really want to work hard to improve themselves on a week on week basis, both during her class and when going about their daily lives. Her classes are private group personal training sessions which will become lifestyle choices, adopted outside of her class . . so don’t ever let her see you with bad posture whilst you’re shopping or out and about!

Client comments and credentials