Such interesting data on Caesarean births being linked to adult obesity, and Diabetes according to midwives & Imperial College London following 15 studies and over 38k participants. Dr Matthew Hyde one of the researcher from Imperials Faculty of Medicine said their were “plausible mechanisms” showing these links later in life ….
“The types of healthy bacteria n the gut differ in babies born by Caesarian ….also the compression of the baby during vaginal birth appears to influence which genes are switched on and this could have long term effects on the metabolism”
Please don’t think that as a mother its your fault or if you have these conditions that its inevitable…..Here at Solari UK we offer you a range of solutions from my Health MOT’s which looks at the physical, nutritional, emotional and metaphysical solutions, therapies with Sunayana which rebalance you inside and out, to the Metabolic Effect Program which retrains your hormones to function healthily, and the optimum nutrition which saw over over 30 Gold Medalists at the Winter Olympics.
We look forward to helping you get back to good health whichever birthing process you experienced