Natasha’s availability alters all the time, from day to day she often works into the early hours of the morning for clients, both international and domestic so what we’d recommend is that you think about the best times for yourself, when you’re most relaxed and unlikely to be disturbed. Once you have those times and days / dates at the ready, follow the steps below to ensure that you get the time slot you that best suit you, as quickly as possible.
1. book the duration you would like
2. in your Solari UK account there is a Customer Notes section – in here send at least 3-5 different days and times (GMT) with the widest availability you can manage
3. You will then be contacted in your Solari UK account with other specifics like your chosen landline or your Skype name, whether you want it recorded etc, This will be sent to you for you to choose your answers so please wait for this message with it’s prompts so we can book you in quickly
4. Your booking will be confirmed showing all the specifics of your booking and we are ready for the session
Natasha is so in demand yet works unsociable hours, so this really is the quickest way of getting an appointment secured for you.