Titania’s Crystal Ball Set




Psychic gazing, scrying or seership are all terms for the ability to ‘see’  clairvoyantly, which events may happen in your life. In days past, this ability was the province of sensitives, seers and clairvoyants were highly respected for their intuitive skills. . . . and we all still possess those skills if only we try , look and listen inwardly

Britain’s most famous and widely read White Witch, Titania Harding , has her own Crystal ball to help you use a proper approach, patience and concentration, to learn ‘crystalomancy’ .Given the right preparation and focus it will be your lens on a new vision of the world.

For me Titania is the most popular witch of modern times, bringing the “craft”  to the masses in a  stylist sophisticated way  – I’ve loved her tactile, beautifully  constructed books for years 

Box contains authentic crystal ball with ‘stand’ and a 64-page illustrated guidebook.

Author: Titania Harding

Review: N J Soliar