Crusty Crones Get Out & About – The Cauldron has been stirred


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An absolute must if you’’re thinking of entering or re-entering the world of wicca / paganism. The down to earth humour, modern take on real pagans in the 21st century and the light heartedness of this books never detracts from the fact that the authors really know The Craft and ultimately they guide and advise with aplomb.

From “coming out of the Broom closet” to rituals and etiquette to astral projection all elements are covered in a really reader friendly manner. Easy to read language and text with lovely little pencil drawing really help the information come to life and leap from the pages to engage the reader, whatever age.

It’s great fun, humorous yet knowledgeable.  

Authors; Kimi Ravensky & Harmonia Saille (O Books)

Paperback 2011

193 pages

Review; N J Soliar