Gliding Lite Club Kit – 12 Hardwood Floor


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SKU: SKU000719 Category:


Ideal for health and fitness facilities, the Gliding Pro Club Kit includes

  • 12 pairs of hardwood floor discs
  • 2 DVD’s 1.Total Body Basics DVD, 2.the Integrated Muscle Conditioning – Personal Training DVD
  • all in a handy storage bag.

If you purchased 12 individual gliders at £19.95 + UK postage (£3.95 each) & 1 DVD’s (19.95) would be £286.40.

This Lite Club pack is saving  you an amazing £61.60 & you get the storage for FREE

This is only suitable for non carpeted areas e.g wooden or laminate floors

I’ve used Gliders for several years now (see the comments of my clients in the Dance & Fitness section) and I’d highly recommend them, to use in front of a mirror so you can monitor your  alignment if you’re not with a trained professional . I’ve used them on some of my professional athletes clients who have been surprised at how difficult and challenging it was for them, even doing lunges or press ups that they’re used to doing every day.  

Review; NJ Soliar