Journey to the Sacred Mountains


SKU: SKU000972 Category:


Such a topical theme – nature and humans relationship with the environment- especially in the wake of the Japanese Tsunami & earth quake. This book is the marrying of three traditions, Native American Sioux, human psychology and Buddhism each powerfully influential and yet not mutually exclusive.

It uses the Sioux tale of the Jumping Mouse as the thread that leads the reader through the natural world into self discovery and realisation, and the gentle strength and wisdom of Buddhism which shows how freedom of the soul is an unequalled liberation.

This guide is open to all who would rather look to the greater picture of ourselves in relation to nature and our surrounding rather than continuing to blindly follow doctrines or ideas that we have long since outgrown.

Yet this is not a mamby-pamby book about hugging trees, this is thought provoking and action demanding in a subtle but strong manner:

“According to the National Institute of Mental Health each year in the United States of America 250,000 adolescents attempt suicide and 2,00 succeed in taking their own lives . . . . 8.3% of adolescents in the United States of America suffer from depression . .” page 57

Really good book well worth taking the time to pore over and absorb

Author; Flynn Johnson .

Paperback 176 pages .

Review by N J Soliar