The Power of Gems & Crystals


SKU: SKU000288 Category:


This intriguing book by Soozi Holbeche reveals a fascinating secrets and mysteries associated with gems and crystals and explains how to use them in daily life.

With more and more magnetic and radio waves in our every day life we could wonder why we never feel happy or content . . . .using gems and crystals as I have for decades now really does have an impact and this book will help you  discover that for yourself, whether  wearing them or  placing them around you workplace or home

Discussing the rejeuvenating properties of crystal power, how to select the appropriate gems at different times and how to use them for healing are just some of the issues covered in this book. This explains why over 75,000 copies have been sold since it was first published

Author;  Soozi Holbeche

Piatkus 2002.

Paperback  (4 coloured photo pages)

8.5″ x 5.5″

186 pages

Review: NJ Soliar