Tye4 – The Wearable Reformer


SKU: SKU001355 Category:


Tye4 is a sleek, wearable resistance system designed to assist alignment and correct biomechanics. The striking blue bungees add up to an effective almost 12Kg (25lbs) of resistance, which can be either supportive or resistive. Easy to put on and straightforward to adjust for a comfortable custom fit (for women Tye4 can be worn above or below the breasts ). In under two minutes you can put on and adjust the bungees to suit your body shape and are then ready to get more out of each Pilates exercise whether on the mat, standing or on any of the apparatus.

Tye4 creates a closed chain movement system through the bungees, which fit comfortably over the feet and on to the hands via one of two hand loops that allow instant resistance changes for the various exercises. The closed chain system means safer exercising as well as deeper connections, which result from knowing where the body is in space.

Extension and rotation exercises such as the Swan or Twist are facilitated by back crossing the arms bungees and holding them tightly using the second hand loops to support the back torso and assist greater movement. Standing exercises are supported by holding and pushing the leg bungees outwards with the added benefit of a lot of arm work too!! There are currently 20 individual bungee “wraps” or variations which work with all supine, prone, sitting and standing work.

A brilliant, space saving and economical way of bring the Pialtes resistance nmethods to your home or studio